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How to read your cat's body language

Your cat may meow from time to time but that is not their only way of communicating. They speak volumes with their body, facial expressions and posture. With our tips you will learn to recognize their body language better!

Body language

You can recognize a happy cat by its forward-pointing ears, tail that stands straight up with a possible curl at the top. If your cat spontaneously hollows its back, then they are extra relaxed.

Legend says... that you can reassure your cat via a wink.  Put yourself in front of your cat and gently squeeze your eyes shut several times in a row and your cat will relax. Winking for a cat actually means that the coast is clear and that they can relax. Test it out on your own cat to see if the legend is true!

Are your cat's ears pointed and turned outward? Then there is a good chance that she is uncomfortable. If the ears lie rather flat against their head and the tail swings firmly from side to side, then she is angry or anxious and ready to defend herself.

Giving heads

Does your cat greet you by stroking your legs or giving you heads? Then they are marking you rather than greeting you. That way your cat leaves its scent on you, making your cat familiar with you. Does your cat want to 'really' greet you? Then they prefer to do this by giving you 'noses'.

A cat that is eager to make contact with you will draw up its stature with its tail. Your cat will also make soft meows, to get your attention.

Did you know that a cat meows for people? Cats meow among themselves a lot less often.


Is your cat scared? Then its ears lie flat on the back of its neck. Your cat makes itself small and keeps low to the ground with the tail close to the body. The whiskers are also completely flat backwards.

Is your cat irritated? Then your cat will start waving its tail on the ground. At first, the waving is quiet because your cat is still indecisive at this time. If the waving continues, your cat will get more and more irritated. The more "tail waving," the more agitation in your cat. Best to stay out of this cat's way at that point.

Is your cat angry? Then your cat turns his ears outward, with the tail still waving. Does he make his back big and round and put his tail straight up? Then it's time to get out of the way because your cat is really very angry at the moment.

Is your cat in pain? Then you will not immediately see this from your cat. So it is very important that you learn to recognize your cat's subtle pain signals. A cat that feels pain will retreat to other than its usual spots. Often with his head between his shoulders and a huddled posture. If you notice such behavior, be sure to consult your veterinarian in this case.

A happy cat

A happy cat is easily recognized by its natural behavior. Pay attention to this behavior, because in this way you can easily determine when your cat is not feeling well and you can quickly create the right conditions so that your cat feels at his best!

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