
Are you curious about tips & tricks or more important information about your dog or cat? Then you have come to the right place. Discover here everything from A to Z that you need to know for your pet. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about our latest monthly blogs.


Are you curious about tips & tricks or more important information about your dog or cat? Then you have come to the right place. Discover here everything from A to Z that you need to know for your pet. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about our latest monthly blogs.
The kitten checklist: the preparation
Potty training your puppy
De kitten checklist: de thuiskomst
Breed in the spotlight: The Vizsla
Breed in the spotlight: The Boxer
Help, my dog is begging at the table!
How can I help my senior cat?
BLOG - Breed cat in the spotlight: British short hair - Delcon
Breed cat in the spotlight: The Maine Coon
Breed in the spotlight: The Labrador Retriever
 Breed in the spotlight: The Weimaraner
Breed in the spotlight: The English Bulldog
Be careful with houseplants!
10 things your dog should not eat
How do you introduce your dog and cat to each other?
How to read your cat's body language
10 tips for a happy cat in the house!
An extra dog in the house, now what?
Teach your dog to walk on a loose leash
5 tips to get your dog safe and warm through the winter
Cold & dark days: what to do with your dog during the winter?
Mind games for your dog, the optimal use of time
How old is your cat really?
Paying attention during the spring and summer days
New puppy in the house: now what?
Guide: tick week (25-29/04)
SOS: bladder problems in your cat
When do puppies switch to adult dog food?
5 tips to take good care of your senior cat
7 tips for raising your cat
Waarom kattenvoer van Delcon?
Waarom hondenvoer van Delcon?
Denkspelletjes voor je hond, de optimale tijdsbesteding
Bijgeloof rond zwarte katten
Help, het is rui seizoen!
Waarom wast een kat zich zo vaak?
Je kat krabt al je meubels de vernieling in… Wat nu?
5 leuke spelletjes om binnen te spelen met je hond
Natvoer vs. droogvoer: de keuze van de kat
Gezonde hond, stralende vacht?
Puppy & kitten: nutrition
First aid for difficult eaters
Why does my dog wipe its paws?
De juiste hondenvoeding per levensfase
Haarballen bij katten: beter voorkomen dan genezen
Is your dog overweight?