- These conditions apply to the savings card of E&P Petfood BV (Delcon Petfood), Meersbloem Melden 26, 9700 Oudenaarde. Delcon Petfood is a registered and filed brand name.
- Participants can, after fulfilling the following conditions, save for a free pack of 3kg, 10kg or 12kg Delcon dog food OR 1,75kg or 8,75kg Delcon cat food (depending on the type of sticker they have accumulated) at one of the participating Delcon points of sale.
- Delcon outlets are not obliged to participate in the savings campaign. Each Delcon outlet is free in this choice.
- E&P Petfood reserves the right to discontinue the campaign or change the terms and conditions at any time without giving reasons. A revised version of the campaign conditions will be announced on the website, together with a date.
- E&P Petfood and the participants are bound by the contents and provisions of these terms and conditions.
- By participating in the campaign, the participant declares that he/she agrees with these terms and conditions.
- Would you like to know how we process your data? Then click through to our privacy policy and terms and conditions here.
- The savings card is valid for 2 years from the date noted on the card.
- The card can only be redeemed at the point of sale where the card was acquired.
- A full card contains 10 equal stickers.
- In order to participate validly in the saving campaign all the information on the card must be complete and correct. In the absence of correct or complete information the issue of the free bag will be refused.
- Savings cards with fewer stickers are not redeemable.
- Only 1 type of sticker may be used on the card, viz. 1.75kg (cat), 3kg (dog), 8.75kg (cat), 10kg (dog) or 12kg (dog). Respectively you will get 1 bag of Delcon food for free after a full savings card.
- By filling in your card details you give us permission to use your details for marketing purposes.
- Full savings cards will not be exchanged for money.
- E&P Petfood reserves the right to make interim changes to the campaign conditions or to terminate the campaign. The revised version or possible termination will be announced on the website.
- E&P Petfood reserves the right to refuse to accept savings cards which do not comply with the conditions or which appear fraudulent.
- E&P Petfood is not liable for printing or typographical errors in communications concerning the saving card.
- For questions, complaints and/or remarks concerning the saving card, one can ask the questions via the contact information on the website.
Publication date: 1/01/2021