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The kitten checklist: the preparation

The day is almost here: your new kitten can go home! Here's to years of fun and love with your new four-legged friend. But until that day arrives, there is a lot to prepare. To make it a little easier for you, we provide you with a checklist! This way you will be perfectly installed before your new best friend comes home.

de kittenchecklist: de voorbereiding

1.     Registration
In Belgium, you are obliged to chip your kitten. Do not forget to register your animal's chip afterwards. Your name and address will be linked electronically to this chip. Are you adopting a cat that already has a chip? Then be sure to update the old data to yours. If you ever need it, your cat can be identified that way.

2.     Deworm
After (and even during) birth, kittens can become infected with worms. They are very susceptible because their immune system is still developing. The solution for this is to have your animal dewormed by your vet. Please note that this is not a preventive solution. The remedy only kills the worms that are already present. So be sure to have your other pets checked and/or treated as well.

3.     Deflead
Worms are not their only enemies. From birth, they are also susceptible to fleas. Protect them as early as possible! You can do this by applying monthly product using a spray or pipette.

4.    Vaccinate
Just as we need vaccinations, you should also vaccinate your animals. This way they are protected against various infections and diseases. Check with your vet when your kitten should receive which vaccination and make your appointments immediately!

5.   Castrate or sterilize
Since 2016, it has been mandatory for every cat that is sold or given away to be spayed or neutered. Spaying brings many benefits such as preventing uterine infections or tumors, no unwanted litters, less risk of diabetes,... Spaying in turn reduces spraying behavior and fighting.

If you have a cat that has not yet been spayed or neutered, we strongly recommend that you do so at around 4 to 6 months of age.

6.   Nutrition
The first few days with your kitten it is best to feed it the same food the breeder gave you. It is a stressful period for them with a lot of new situations. After a few days you can gradually switch to other food by mixing a bit more of the new food with their old food.

There are many different types of cat food. So make sure you choose food that supports your cat in all areas where needed! Would you like advice on the right food for your kitten or cat? Then feel free to ask us your question!


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