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Potty training your puppy

Puppies already learn a lot of "manners" from their mothers but once the puppy arrives at your home, it is your responsibility to raise this puppy correctly. One of the first training sessions during this education will be the toilet training.

From the word alone, many go berserk. Potty training, so crucial but where and how to start? Well, let us help you. Complete potty training usually takes 6 to 10 weeks.  With the following tips you will get your puppy fully housebroken in no time. Peeing in the house will be completely a thing of the past.

Be vigilant
One of the most important aspects of potty training is watchfulness over your puppy. Always keep an eye on him. As soon as you notice a change in his behavior, let him out.

Hou een vaste routine aan

Honden zijn gewoontedieren en hechten veel belang aan routine, begin dus met het opstellen van een dagschema. Neem de pup dagelijks op dezelfde momenten mee naar buiten om hun behoefte te doen, zoals bv. nadat ze gegeten hebben, nadat ze wakker worden, voordat ze in de bench moeten en opgelet als ze rondsnuffelen opzoek naar een plek, dan is het zeker het moment om de pup buiten te plaatsen. Na verloop van tijd zal je de signalen die je pup je geeft beginnen opmerken.

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Especially for kittens

Choose a fixed place in the garden 

Provide your pup with a fixed place to do his business in the garden. Praise your pup to the skies, so to speak, after he has done his business in his regular spot. A treat will also encourage the pup to do his business in the right place next time.

Every time your pup gets ready to do his business in the right place, link this to the same word or command, such as "do a pee". If you also include this in the routine, your dog will understand faster what you want from him.

Punishment is counterproductive

It seems logical, the pup has made a mistake and is consequently punished. Yet this is not the best way to work. The panic you cause makes it harder for the pup to understand what is going on. Because of this it can happen that he does not want to do his business in your presence because he links this to an angry reaction. He will do his need secretly and this is the last thing you want.

Do you catch your pup peeing in the house? Ignore him for a while. This ensures that this behavior is certainly not rewarded, but you also do not scare the pup.


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